Minecraft Therapy

If you find face to face interactions intimidating or difficult and require mental health or behavioural support, then Minecraft Therapy might be for you. It affords clients a unique opportunity to engage in therapy and/or counselling support online and in a setting that is both safe and familiar, which can be used to help develop emotional regulation skills, mindfulness, confidence, and resilience in the face of anxiety, depression, or impulsiveness, etc. Engaging this way can help take away some of the pressures associated with receiving therapeutic support and is intended to help empower clients to explore their feelings in an environment or setting, in which they have more choice and control.


How does it work?

An initial 60 minute intake meeting is coordinated to determine support needs and goals for therapy. After that:

  1. The Therapist and client log on to Minecraft and Microsoft Teams.
  2. Then a “mission” is planned before starting, which includes establishing rules, roles, and a goal for the session, such as building a shelter or house.
  3. Gameplay then commences with the client and therapist working together towards achieving the shared goal.
  4. Mindfulness techniques and play based strategies and principles will be utilised to support the client in areas such as communication and social skills development.
  5. At the end of the session, feedback will be provided using positive reinforcement techniques to highlight and encourage positive behaviour change.
  6. Outcomes of the session, including any progression towards the client's goal(s) will then be collated and provided to the client's parent, guardian, or caregiver in a written summary.

How much does it cost?

Each session is charged at the standard allied health rate in accordance with the latest NDIS price guide, and all therapy and counselling support provided through the service are delivered by suitably trained and qualified Behaviour Support Practitioners.

How does it work?
What does it cost?
Session Breakdown (50 mins)
Written Summary
Session Process 1: Introduction

If you find face to face interactions intimidating or difficult and require mental health or behavioural support, then Minecraft Therapy might be for you. It affords clients a unique opportunity to engage in therapy and/or counselling support online and in a setting that is both safe and familiar, which can be used to help develop emotional regulation skills, mindfulness, confidence, and resilience in the face of anxiety, depression, or impulsiveness, etc. Engaging this way can help take away some of the pressures associated with receiving therapeutic support and is intended to help empower clients to explore their feelings in an environment or setting, in which they have more choice and control.

Session Process 2: How does it work?

First, we need to know a bit more about you. We will conduct an initial 60 minute intake meeting with yourself and/or a family member/caregiver/guardian to help determine your support needs and goals for therapy. Next, depending on your therapy goals and funding, you can then choose to engage in one of our intensive therapy programs, which includes an initial 5 x session package for beginners or a 10 x session package for clients needing further support. Each session includes 50 minutes of game time and 10 minutes for write up.

Session Process 3: What does it cost?

Each session is charged at the standard allied health rate of $193.99 per hour in accordance with the latest NDIS price guide, and all therapy and counselling supports provided through the service are delivered by suitably trained and qualified Behaviour Support Practitioners. All intensive programs also include an additional 2 hour allocation for report writing, in addition to the initial 60 minute intake meeting.

Session Process 4: Session Breakdown (50 mins)

1. The Therapist and client both log on to the online gaming platform, Minecraft, as well as Microsoft Teams, which is used to deliver the telehealth service.
2. The client is then required to plan a “mission” with the therapist before they begin the task, which includes talking about and establishing rules, roles, and a shared goal for the session, such as building a shelter or house for example.
3. Gameplay can then commence with the participant and therapist working together towards achieving a shared goal, which requires ongoing communication, interaction, and teamwork.
4. During the session the Therapist will use mindfulness techniques and play-based strategies and principles to support the client in areas related to their individual NDIS goals, such as communication and social skills development.
5. At the end of the session the Therapist will provide the client with feedback using positive reinforcement techniques to highlight and encourage positive behaviour change.

Session Process 5: Written Summary

Outcomes of the session, including any attainments towards the client's goal(s) will then be collated and provided to the client's parent, guardian, or caregiver in a written summary.

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